My name is Josh Bradley & I invited you to this website
today so you could learn more about me as well as see if partnering together might be a good fit
for you right now. Anytime you are looking into a business opportunity you should also be looking into the person
sponsoring you so I hope this website gives you some insight as to where I'm coming from as a person and home based
My Personal Background...
I was born and raised northwest Montana and currently reside in
north central Idaho. I've been married for 6 years and my wife and I recently welcomed our first child into
the world. A little baby girl named Willa.
Although I've traveled many places and lived in Boise, Spokane
and Las Vegas I prefer the slower pace of life that the country provides.
I love to fish, travel, play sports and coach. I run a youth
sports program in our area that provides young kids the chance to play football, baseball and softball. I also
coach both high school and Babe Ruth baseball.
I worked my last"Real Job" at the age of 22 and have been
self-employed, building businesses from homeever since. My wife is a
photographer and online entrepreneur who also enjoys working from home.
My Home Business
First off, I've been involved with network marketing &
direct sales for the last 13 years and been a full time home based entrepreneur for the last 10 years. I discovered
network marketing my second year of college and was absolutely floored by the concept. Although I never made any
real money with that flagship venture, the entrepreneurial bug was planted and I knew that working for myself was
the thing for me.
As I progressed more and more into the network marketing
concept I soon learned how easy it is to lose money quickly if you don't know what you’re
doing. This prompted me to treat my networking business like an actual business and get the training I
would need to find success. I soon immersed myself into lead generation, sales education and online marketing
training. Although the money I lost from trial and error that first few years was around 20 to 30
grand, what I learned throughout that period propelled me to the financial success I currently
Armed with the proper knowledge and training I spent the next few
years building a couple of different network marketing businesses. I built rather large teams that fueled my
commission checks to levels I had never seen before. Unfortunately both these companies went out of business
and I was again left searching for the right home.
Needing a little break from MLM I decided to dive into
other areas of the online entrepreneurial world. Over a 3 year timespan I successfully launched a software company,
MLM lead company and small business marketing company, two of which are still in business today.
During this time I also ventured into affiliate marketing and
currently have a portfolio of about 50 websites that earn income from Google AdSense, Click bank, Amazon and other
affiliate programs. Although I love affiliate marketing, it also has its ups and downs and I've seen $100 a day
websites get wiped out overnight because Google decides to change its algorithm or the way they rank
Although I consider myself a "multiple streams of
income" type guy, I've always been drawn to networking because of the power of leverage. It's one of
the only business models where you can do the work once and get paid on it residually.
What I'm Doing Now...
After a few years’ hiatus from building any network marketing
company, I was recently intrigued with the explosive growth of an opportunity called Paycation.
With my experience in the industry I was drawn to this company because of the people who are behind it and the
product is something that every person on the planet desires more of... Travel, time
and freedom!
The product that Paycation offers is a comprehensive program
that allows you to do three things.
1. Become a Certified Travel Consultant.
2. Save money plus earn commissions on your own travel.
3. Earn money when other people travel.
They also put a kick butt
compensation plan together for anyone who wants to share the opportunity with others.
Unlike other companies that offer a travel type product,
Paycation is powered by Priceline Group, Expedia's Elite Travel Agent & Affiliate Program,,, Open, Car & MasterCard. These are the largest travel marketing companies in the world!
In order to get more information about Paycation I
want you to do three things:
#1 -
Watch the 14 minute Paycation opportunity video:
#2 - View the 15 minute Paycation Travel
"Infinity Code x 100% Match Overview
This is the video that Network Marketers think rocks! The truth
is that Paycation is simpler and pays you more money. During April 2015 the Paycation travel compensation model
paid out 81.35% and 25,000 new consultants have enrolled during the last 11 months.
When I set out to build a networking business I don't mess
around. I've been involved with all aspects of
the home business industry for several years and I have learned to only work with self-starters who have the same
ambition and drive as I do. I reached out to you specifically because I know that you have both
network marketing experience and the desire for more time, money and freedom.
I'm looking for motivated individuals who have a vision and
want to work with the best.By partnering
with my team I will help you avoid the problems and pitfalls that most networkers run into. I can show
you the right people to talk to about the business as well as provide you with leads and a game plan for success.
Since your success is my success in Paycation, I am personally invested in helping you start generating checks as soon as
What Next?
After watching the Paycation videos you might have some
questions. I'm happy to answer them for you and you can reach me by phone at(406) 250-1594 or on Skype atjosh-bradley. If you've
reviewed this information and have no interest please respond to the original email I sent you and let me know.
That way I won't waste your time and you won't waste mine.
Thanks for your time today & I look forward to possibly
working with you soon!